
Tag Projects for: 'Ultrasonic'
Arduino Back to Work Reminder

 In this tutorial we will learn how to make a work reminder using the Ultrasonic sensor and Arduino. Ultrasonic sensor will track the hand movements and if there is no movement for more then 10s a vibrating module or an LED will turn On for 3s. Once it detects the movement it will turn …

Seeeduino XIAO Expansion Board Ultrasonic Distance Sensor With Sound Warning

 In this Tutorial we are going to explore how to measure a distance using a Seeeduino XIAO Expansion board and Ultrasonic Range sensor. Watch the video! Step 1: What You Will Need HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Range Measurement Module Seeeduino XIAO Expansion board Seeeduino XIAO Jumper wires Visuino program: Download Visuino Step 2: About Seeeduino XIAO Powerful …

Arduino Obstacle Avoiding Robot Car With Radar

   In this tutorial we are going to make an Arduino Obstacle Avoiding Robot Car with Radar using the HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor attached to the servo motor. On this Robot Car the servo rotates the ultrasonic all the time from the left side to the right side just like a radar does it, and …

Arduino Parking System Assistant

In this Video you will learn how to make A Parking System Assistant using Arduino.  This Tutorial was made by a user Compact DIY , you can check out his youtube channel here where you can find other Visuino videos.

Arduino Ultrasonic Radar

In this Video you will learn how to make a Sonar Radar with the OLED Display. This Tutorial was made by a user Compact DIY , you can check out his youtube channel here where you can find other Visuino videos.

Arduino LED Ring Ultrasonic Distance Sensor

In this tutorial we will learn how to Use a LED ring with and a Ultrasonic module to measure the distance. Watch a demonstration video. Step 1: What You Will Need Arduino UNO (or any other Arduino) Ultrasonic Range Finder HC-SR04 Jumper wires Neopixel LED ring Visuino program: Download Visuino Step 2: The Circuit Connect LED …