
Tag Projects for: 'piezo'
INA226 Overvoltage Warning Light & Sound Using Arduino

 In this tutorial we will learn how to make a overvoltage warning using the INA226 module, LED and a Piezo buzzer module. If the Voltage is below the 6V the Green LED will glow, if the Voltage is above the 6V the Red LED will glow and the piezo buzzer will beep. Voltage can …

Fire Detection Using Seeeduino XIAO Expansion Board and Flame Sensor

 In this Tutorial we will learn how to use Seeeduino XIAO Expansion board by making a Simple Fire Detection project using a Flame Sensor. Watch the video! Warning playing with fire can be dangerous. Step 1: What You Will Need Arduino Flame Sensor Seeeduino XIAO Expansion board Seeeduino XIAO Jumper wires Visuino program: Download Visuino Step …

Arduino Temperature Alarm LED Display Flash & Beep

   In this tutorial we will measure the temperature and when it is out of boundaries the LED display will start to Flash and the buzzer will beep. Once the temperature is back within the boundaries flashing and beeping will stop. Watch the video! You can Download the Project File below. Also check out …

Play Frequency Tones Using a Simple Keyboard & Arduino

In this tutorial we will learn how to play a diferent frequency tones with the Arduino. Watch the Video! Step 1: What You Will Need Step 1: What You Will Need Arduino UNO or any other Arduino board Buzzer module Small Keyboard (Or any other keyboard) in our case we are using a touch keyboard …

Arduino Mosquito Repellent

In this tutorial we will learn how to make a simple mosquito repellent using arduino and a piezo buzzer. The buzzer will emit the silent (to human ear) frequency of 31kHz, this frequency is known to repell the mosquitoes and you can adjust the frequency to your needs as well. Watch the video! Step 1: …

Rain Detector Using Arduino and Raindrop Sensor

In this tutorial we will learn how to detect a rain using a rain sensor and make a sound using a buzzer module and OLED Display and Visuino. Watch the video. Step 1: What You Will Need Arduino UNO (or any other Arduino) Rain sensor module Jumper wires Breadboard OLED Display Piezo buzzer Visuino program: Download …