
Tag Projects for: 'Compass'
Arduino Digital Compass Using MPU9250 Magnetometer

In this project we will learn how to make a compass using the Arduino and the Accelerometer Gyroscope sensor MPU9250. Watch the video.  Step 1: What You Will Need Arduino UNO (or any other Arduino) MPU9250 (is an accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer sensor) OLED I2C Display Breadboard Jumper wires Visuino program: Download Visuino Step 2: The …

Seeeduino XIAO Compass QMC5883-GY-271 & OLED Display

In this tutorial we will learn how to use the seeduino Xiao with the compass I2C sensor QMC5883 and the OLED Display. We will Display all the axis and the temperature on the OLED Display. Watch the video!  Step 1: What You Will Need Seeeduino XIAO Compass QMC5883/GY-271 Sensor OLED Display Breadboard Jumper Wires …